This is probably the most important part of any facial treatment, especially our acne treatments. We are very proud to specialize in this area. All of our Esthetician's are highly skilled and trained to remove blackheads and pimples by hand. We will take on the worst acne and only use a tool when necessary. If you have been told that you have to live with your acne, don't believe it! We want to make a difference in your skin and our reputation depends on it!
All Consultations No Charge Ask for your "free brow wax" when you book your appointment.
French Style Waxing Facial $79 Afullfaceandneckwax;removesallfacialandneckhairs.Includesblackheadextractions,hydratingmasque&upperbodyaromatherapymassage.Veryunique!Pumpkin,CherriesJubileeorseasonalfruitfacials.Fightfreeradicalsheadon!Nourishtheskinwithover100nutrientswiththisveryrejuvenatingfacial.Includes extractions,treatmentmasqueandupperbodymassage.Promotehealthyskinwhilerelaxingyourwholebody.Trulydecadent! (Notice* you must not be using any kinds of acids such as Glycolic, orany acne medicationstopical or oral).
AntioxidantFacial$80 AfullEuropeanfacialwehaveaspeciallyformulatedwithaVitaminCcomplexmoldingmask.Thebenefitstobeeasilyabsorbedbytheskin.Itreducestheappearanceofwrinklesandsmoothstheskin,bringingforth rejuvenation,youthfulness,betterelasticity,andahealthyradiantglow.TheVitaminCingredienthasthebenefitsofananti-‐freeradicalwhichaidesinrepairingskindamagefromthesunaswellashelpprotect against futuredamage.Westartbysteamingthefacetoloosendeadcelltissue&toopenporesforeasyextractions,followedbyrejuvenatingmasque,upperbodyaromatherapymassage.
DeluxeAromatherapyFacial$80 (75 minutes) The ultimate facial. Rejuvenate yourself with exfoliation of the skin, extractions, steam, treatment masque, upper body aromatherapy massage, hands dipped in paraffin wax & salt glow scrub exfoliating treatment for your feet.
ClassicEuropeanFacial$69 Our classic European style facial. Includes steaming the face to loosen dead skin cells and soften blackheads for easy extractions, treatment masque to calm, moisturize, or to draw out excess oil in the skin, upper body and footaromatherapymassage.
AcneFacial$85(upto1hour) All of our acne facials include steaming to soften and loosen blackheads, complete extractions, specific treatment mask and sometimes electrical high frequency treatment to kill bacteria inside the pores and pimples. All of ouraestheticiansarehighlytrainedinthelostartofhandextractions,weonlyuseatoolwhennecessary.
MiniTeenFacial$49(upto40minutes) This is just enough time to get a quickie facial to remove those annoying blackheads and mild acne conditions. Steam and extractions is all it takes. For more serious acne please book an acne facial so time will permit us to domoreofwhatisnecessary.
TomatoTreatment$100 (60 minutes) Don't let the name fool you! This is by far one of our most popular and effective acne treatments around! A 30% glycolic pre-‐facial followed by extensive extractions. A tomato peel paste (salicylic acid) is applied to the face for20minutestokillbacteriaandinfectionsthatareinthepores;thistreatmentisthenfollowedbyaone-‐5layerJessnerpeel.ThisisNOTforthetoosensitive.Wehaveobservedgrade-‐threeacnehealupto75%within 7 ‐10days,completelygonein30days.(Theseresultswillnotoccurwitheveryonebutdramaticimprovementwill)Seeingisbelieving!Thisprocedurecanberepeatedintendaysforaveryaggressiveapproach.
SalicylicSteam$100 Salicylic Acid is more commonly recognized as an ingredient in aspirin, and often prescribed as a treatment for skin disorders such as eczema. This beta hydroxy is excellent for acne prone patients because of its ability to breakdownthebondswhichgluewornoutcellstothefollicularliningandskin'ssurfacecausingblackheadsandbreakouts.Greatforskinrefiningandclearingupacne. Youwillpeelafter3days.